Are Namekians Majin? No, despite the similarities, the Namekians have not been confirmed as Majin in Dragon Ball Daima.
Demon King Piccolo is not a Majin. Despite being a demon, he is not considered a Majin in the main canon.
Why do only Universes 6 and 7 have Namekians? It may have been due to the size of the population and the fact that they were mostly pacifists, so they didn't get too divided.
Warning: The following contains spoilers for Dragon Ball Daima, Episode 11, “Legend,” now streaming on Crunchyroll.
Dragon Ball Daima continued to provide fans with new information about Dragon Ball universe, such as the fact that the Namekian species, Piccolo, Kami and Dende came from the Demon Realm. However, this revelation raises some questions. Are the Namekians a race of Majin?
Majin make up the majority of sentient beings in the Demon Realm and Dragon Ball Daima he even revealed that most of the races in the multiverse were actually descended from them. Could they consider the Namekians one of their own though?

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Are Namekians Majin?
Or are they at least related?
At the time of writing this article, Dragon Ball Daimaor any other fee Dragon Ball the series never acknowledged the Namekians as Majin. It's easy to see why people would make this assumption. Both come from the Demon Realm and one of the most easily recognizable features of the Majin, their pointed ears, is also present in the Namekians. The term Majin refers to a group of species and races with demonic and/or magical origins, but while the Namekians Do they use magic, no one has claimed that they themselves are Majin.
Keep checking back with Daima however, at the rate they are moving forward with new revelations about the lore, they could suddenly discover some connection between the Namekians and Majin any day now. For all we know, they could suddenly expand the definition of what it means to be Majin to be any race or species native to the Demon Realm.
Is Demon King Piccolo a Majin?
Considering that King Piccolo is a demon and the Majin are demonic creatures, does this make him an exception for all Namekians? The answer is still no, but it's a little more complicated because the Majin are truly demons. However, keep in mind that not all demons are present Dragon Ball he is considered a Majin. Demon King Piccolo's origin is that he is the manifestation of an unnamed Namekian's evil, with Kami being the manifestation of the Namekian's good nature. As such, King Piccolo is a being of pure evil, and therefore a “demon”, but one that has nothing to do with Majin of the Demon Realm. He even created his own clan of demons, consisting of himself and his children, such as Tambourine, Cymbal, and Drum, who are also all demons, but not Majin.
However, in some realities, the Demon King Piccolo AND considered a Majin. Namely, the Xenoverse games, due to a move called Majin Kamehameha. They referred to the move as the Demon Clan's version of the Kamehameha, but that move is also used by real Majins like Majin Buu and XenoverseThe Demon King, Mira. Until the canon anime or manga confirms it, Demon King Piccolo can only be considered a Majin within Xenoverse canon.

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When did the Namekians leave the Demon Realm?
And why did they do it?
Unlike the Majin, who migrated close to when Rymus created the multiverse, which would have been tens or hundreds of millions of years ago, the Namekians only left the Demon Realm thousands of years ago. The estimated time they left is based on the fact that Neva says she hasn't seen another Namekian in thousands of years. Dragon Ball Daima episode 1, “Conspiracy”.
As for the reason, the Namekians left the Demon Realm because they didn't like being ruled by the Demon King. Their power to create Dragon Balls and wish-granting dragons was too valuable for the Demon King to leave them alone in the Demon Realm. Since the Namekians are pacifists, instead of starting a rebellion, they simply left after taking enough resources from the original Namekian to make their next world similar. It is unknown how they did it, because Warp-sama appears to be the only way in and out of the Demon Realm, which is carefully monitored and recorded. However, the Supreme Kaioshin noted that regulations on travel to and from the Demon Realm were not always so heavily regulated, so perhaps the Namekians left before this happened. There's also the possibility that the Namekians' escape was what prompted the Demon King to make travel more severe. The only Namekian who remained behind was Neva, as he was the creator of the Demon Realm's Dragon Balls and was tasked with watching over them.
“It must have been a difficult decision to leave here… The Supreme Demon Kings have always been selfish. Namekians have many abilities, so they were considered quite valuable. They were treated as little more than slaves.” – Supreme Kai Shin
Why do only universes 6 and 7 have Namekians?
The twin universes are what the Namekians now call home
Most likely the Namekians simply wanted to stick together as their species was only large enough to inhabit one planet in the Demon Realm. Their population is nothing compared to the Majin, who inhabit most of the Demon Realm and whose population was large enough to populate all the universes created by Rymus. Furthermore, the Namekians' unique powers and peace-loving nature made them prime targets of evil people, so it made sense for them to only stick together in one or two large groups.
But as for why it had to be Universes 6 and 7 specifically, well, that's probably not the case Have be those two. They simply split into two groups and chose the twin universes. If you really want to speculate, it may have been because those two universes hosted planets close enough to the original Namekian, making them suitable choices.

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Dragon Ball Daima is now available to stream on Crunchyroll and Netflix. Dragon Ball Daima Episode 15 release date is January 24, 2025 at 10am PT.

- Release date
October 11, 2024
- Study
Toei animation
- Creator
Akira Toriyama
- MyAnimeList Score