Cyberpunk 2077 Player Finds GTA San Andreas Easter Egg In Phantom Liberty


  • Cyberpunk 2077 includes nods to gaming greats like Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, with a newly discovered Easter egg referencing Big Smoke.
  • The Easter egg can be found on the payphone used to contact Solomon Reed, with a series of numbers and math symbols referencing Big Smoke’s infamous fast food order.
  • This discovery highlights that there may still be many more undiscovered Easter eggs in Cyberpunk 2077, encouraging players to continue searching.



Cyberpunk 2077 isn’t afraid to include little nods to other gaming greats, and Phantom Liberty is no exception. When it comes to games that have had the most impact on the industry, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas is up there with the best of them, and Cyberpunk 2077 has plenty of Easter eggs dedicated to CJ and the gang. Yet another one has been discovered though, this time referencing beloved character Big Smoke.

First discovered by Reddit user Wave_04, the Easter egg in question can be found on the payphone you use to initially contact Solomon Reed. It’s actually a payphone, which is the site of a few other nifty little Easter eggs, including yet another nod to The Witcher 3. For the Big Smoke reference, cast your gaze at the space on the left of the phone, and you’ll see a series of numbers and math symbols.

Given that you’re at a payphone, many people naturally assumed that this was a series of math questions you needed to answer to get a number to punch in, but it’s a lot more simple than that. Come at it from a different angle, and you’ll see that the numbers read two numbers nines, a number nine large, a number six, a number seven, and two number 45’s.

If you’ve played Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, you should recognize this series of numbers as the infamous fast food order that Big Smoke puts in when you visit Cluckin’ Bell during the mission “Drive-Thru”. Being such a memorable scene in one of the greatest open world titles we’ve ever seen, it’s amazing it hadn’t been discovered until now, though it being next to a payphone probably threw off a lot of people.

Another nod to GTA: San Andreas can be found in the base game of Cyberpunk 2077, as you can find an SD card on the train tracks outside of Rivers Trailer Park that contains a conversation between characters Little Smoke and JC.

It seems like a new Easter egg is being found pretty much every week in Cyberpunk 2077, which isn’t too surprising considering how massive the game and its DLC are. A writer on Cyberpunk 2077 even recently claimed that his favorite Easter eggs in the game haven’t been discovered just yet, which makes you wonder how many more there are out there that players have simply overlooked. Time to get hunting once again.


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