Black Ops 6 reveals new multiplayer patch notes for the latest update

Key points

  • A small update is now available for Black Ops 6 that fixes the multiplayer issues.
  • Fixes include fixes to the SR loss forgiveness bug, improved game performance, and AAR screen issues.
  • Season 1 Reloaded brought tons of new content to the game.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 received another small update following the launch of the huge Season 1 update. This small patch contains only a handful of fixes that have to do with issues in Call of Duty: Black Ops 6the popular multiplayer mode of; Zombies and War zone they remained intact.

Midway through its first post-launch season, Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 just recently released its first mid-season update. Season 1 Reloaded brought a lot to the table for fans, including two new 6v6 maps, a holiday-themed Nuketown, a brand new Zombies map, several new weapons, and much more. Of course, the mid-season renewal also saw the return of CODMAS, call of Duty's annual holiday event that brings a host of festive maps, modes, challenges and rewards for players to enjoy in Zombies, multiplayer and War zone.


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Just one day after the release of the first season of Reloaded, Treyarch has released another update for Call of Duty: Black Ops 6, Clean up a handful of multiplayer-related issues. The main bug was with Skill Rating (SR) forgiveness not triggering for players whose teammates abandoned their matches. This led to many classified call of Duty Players have experienced an unfair drop in their SR due to teammates quitting or disconnecting from matches, but this should now be resolved. However, it is unknown whether affected players will retroactively regain their wrongfully lost SR after the update.

This small post-Season 1 Reloaded patch only includes two more bug fixes, both related to multiplayer UI issues. One of them solves a problem with Black operations 6The Best Play feature which shows the most impressive moment of the match at the end of each match. Thanks to this change, Best Play should now run more smoothly and display the correct user interface elements Black operations 6 update. The final fix that comes with the new patch affects the game's After Action Report (AAR) screen, which was previously missing key player data and UI.

Despite being such a small update, all three fixed multiplayer bugs are incredibly important, especially the SR forgiveness bug. With Call of Duty: Black Ops 6The Season 1 update is live for all players, it is unknown when the CODMAS part will end, although it is likely to expire before the end of Season 1. As for Season 2, it is currently expected to start at the end January. , so it will take a while before call of Duty fans can expect to hear more.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 update on December 5th


Ranked game

  • Fixed an issue that prevented SR Loss Forgiveness from being properly applied after matches where a match-created teammate disconnected.

user interface

  • Fixed an issue where Best Playback mode sometimes had low performance and no UI.
  • Fixed an issue where “No Player Data” and blank boxes would appear on the AAR Scoreboard.

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