Best Way To Pickpocket And Steal Items In BG3

In Baldur’s Gate 3, your gear is everything. You could settle for spending top dollar on rare items, but that will quickly wear on your wallet. What if we told you there was a way to set your party up with amazing items without spending a single gold piece? The answer is pickpocketing.




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By entering stealth, you can sneak up behind any unsuspecting shop owner and take whatever you want. However, you have to be careful not to get too greedy or else. Check out this guide to learn all the best ways to pickpocket and steal items in BG3.

Understanding The Basics Of Pickpocketing

Tav Pickpocketing in the Grove in Baldur's Gate3

First of all, you don’t have to be a Rogue to do crimes, and even a Fighter in full chain mail can make the attempt (though they will be at a disadvantage). All you have to do is enter sneak mode by pressing C on your keyboard or hold down on the D-pad, and from there, you’ll be able to see your victim’s sight range.

Stay out of the red zone, because if you walk into it, there’s a good chance that you will be caught.

Sneak up close to your victim and click on them to pick their pockets. Choose the item or items you want to steal, and a sleight-of-hand dice roll will occur in the background to determine if you’re able to get away with your loot.

The more valuable the item is, the harder the sleight of hand check will be to pass.

Best Ways to Pickpocket And Steal Items In BG3

Smuggler's Ring Location in Baldur's Gate 3

There are ways to make stealing a bit easier on yourself, and the best way to avoid getting caught is to have Astarion handle the job for you or to take matters into your own hands if you’re a Rogue, as they naturally have a higher sleight of hand stat than, say, a wizard or cleric. However, that doesn’t mean a cleric can’t help you in your thieving efforts, and you can have the healer of the group cast Guidance on your rogue.

If you have a warlock, they can cast Hex on the target to give them a debuff. This will make it easier for the rogue to get away with the goods.

If you don’t already have the Smuggler’s Ring, now is the time to go get it. It’s an item you can find in Act 1 that gives the wearer a bonus to sleight of hand and stealth, and you can get it by looting a skeleton hiding in a bush near The Risen Road part of the map, at the coordinates X:58, Y:512.

After you loot a shopkeeper, get away as fast as you can, because once they realize they’ve been robbed they will start looking around for the culprit, and it’s better to avoid being confronted and not have that awkward conversation. If possible, go after a target who is off by themselves, because trying to pickpocket someone in a big crowd will increase your chances of being seen.

You can lure a target away from a group if you have a cat familiar.

Getting Caught In The Act

getting caught stealing from Arron in Baldur's Gate 3

Despite your best efforts, sometimes you will get caught in the act, so if you’ve saved recently you can simply reload and give it another go, but if you haven’t, there are a few ways you can handle the situation without reloading. The first is to talk your way out of it with a Persuasion or Deception roll, but the downside is that DC for these checks is oftentimes pretty high, and there’s a good chance that you won’t be persuasive enough.

You can also attempt to fight out of it, but all the surrounding NPCs will likely jump into the conflict, especially if you’re in the middle of a settlement. The last option is to let yourself be carried off to prison, and even though your reputation will suffer slightly, it’s not too difficult to break yourself out of jail.

In most cases, you can simply Lockpick the jail door open.


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