Best Games Like Terraforming Mars

Terraforming Mars is the crowned sovereign of engine-building games, where players transform the Red Planet into a green paradise. But once you’ve planted your last tree and the Martian condos are thriving, where do you turn for your next celestial fix? Fear not, for the cosmos is vast, and the shelves of strategy games are bursting with worlds ripe for the crafting.



This article is your intergalactic ticket to the best games that share Terraforming Mars’s DNA. Expect to encounter games where strategy is king, and your empire-building skills are put to the test, from the ocean depths of underwater civilizations to the far reaches of distant galaxies.

Best Games Like Terraforming Mars

Scythe board game box


Best for Solo to Medium-Sized Gameplay

A Steampunk Strategy Extravaganza

$68 $80 Save $12

Dive into a diesel-powered 1920s with Scythe, blending worker placement, area control, and engine building in a captivating board game.


  • Offers a unique blend of gameplay mechanics like worker placement and engine building.
  • Features high-quality, detailed components enhancing the gaming experience.
  • Provides deep strategy with high replayability due to varied faction and player mat combinations.

  • The game board’s design can be a bit dull and blend together at a distance.

Scythe is a deep-dive into a fascinating, steampunk-inspired version of the 1920s. Here, you lead an entire faction through a rich tapestry of farming, fighting, and strategic empire-building. The complexity of the game is like a fine wine – it gets better as you play and understand its nuances. Sure, it might look a bit overwhelming at first glance, with a board that could double as a small table and pieces that might make you think you’re assembling a mini IKEA furniture set. But trust me, you’ll be hooked once you get the hang of it.

But here’s the kicker – it’s not just about flexing your brain muscles in strategic warfare.

Scythe is also about exploring and expanding, about finding that perfect balance between brawn and brains. It’s not a game you’ll fully appreciate in a single session. Scythe is like a complex novel—each playthrough unveils new layers, strategies, and stories. So, gather your most cunning friends, clear out your schedule, and dive into a game that’s as rewarding as it is challenging.

Wingspan board game box


Best Educational Board Game

Feathered Fun for Everyone

$48 $65 Save $17

Soar into the world of birdwatching with Wingspan, a visually stunning, educational, and engaging board game that combines card play and engine building.


  • Gorgeous artwork on each card, depicting 170 unique, real-life birds.
  • Accessible gameplay with solid mechanics, appealing to both new and experienced gamers.
  • Offers multiple scoring strategies, ensuring a fresh experience every time.

  • Some may find the game too light compared to mid or heavy-weight games.

Wingspan elegantly transforms your game table into a vibrant bird sanctuary. Each card is a miniature masterpiece, offering a visually stunning journey through the avian world. The game ingeniously caters to a wide audience, providing just the right blend of simplicity for newcomers and strategic depth for seasoned players.

The game’s charm lies in the bird feeder dice tower, a clever design piece that enhances the thematic immersion. While it may not quench the thirst of those seeking a heavy strategy game, Wingspan’s allure is in its universal appeal and its gentle yet captivating mechanics.

Wingspan is a celebration of nature’s diversity wrapped in an engaging, easy-to-learn game. It’s an invitation to a relaxing yet thought-provoking evening, a delightful escape into the tranquility and wonder of the bird-watching world.

7 Wonders Board Game

7 Wonders Board Game

Best History-Themed Board Game

An Ancient World of Wonders Awaits

Step into a time of epic achievements with 7 Wonders, a game where ancient civilizations vie for greatness through clever card drafting and strategic tableau building.


  • Quick gameplay with a unique simultaneous turn system.
  • Offers diverse strategies from military conquests to scientific discoveries.
  • Beautiful artwork and quality components create an immersive historical experience.

  • The icon-heavy mechanics can be overwhelming for new players.

7 Wonders presents a gaming arena where swift decision-making, strategic planning, and tableau building converge into an experience filled with historical flair. Within the span of half an hour, empires rise, and the fate of civilizations hangs in the balance of every card passed. The beauty of 7 Wonders lies in its intricate dance of decisions, each one setting the course for potential glory or historical footnote. The game’s pace keeps adrenaline high—there’s no downtime, just continuous engagement as empires expand and Wonders ascend.

Beyond the initial cryptic icons lies a streamlined language of symbols, ushering in a fluid gaming experience once mastered. While the focus is on empire-building, interactions with adjacent rivals inject a dynamic of cooperation and competition, subtly weaving a tapestry of alliances and rivalries. 7 Wonders isn’t merely a board game; it’s a portal to the ancient world, challenging players to construct a narrative of cultural and architectural marvels.

Everdell - Collector's Edition Tabletop Game

Everdell: Collector’s Edition

Editor’s Choice

A Lush Tableau of Nature and Strategy

$85 $99 Save $14

Everdell is a captivating blend of strategy and charm, where players expand a city with critters and structures through thoughtful card play and resource management.


  • Seamlessly integrates various game mechanics for a cohesive, engaging experience.
  • The escalating pace from humble beginnings to a bustling endgame tableau is deeply satisfying.
  • Stunning artwork and high-quality components create a visually delightful setup.

  • The text-heavy nature may not suit younger or less experienced players.

Everdell captures the essence of a woodland realm filled with enchanting critters and constructions, offering a strategic depth that blossoms with each turn. This game is a journey through the seasons, where humble beginnings lead to a richly satisfying crescendo of city-building. Players are immersed in a world where individual strategy intertwines subtly with others, ensuring no two games are alike.

Ideal for those transitioning to more complex games, its rich narrative and strategic opportunities are bound to captivate. Everdell stands as a testament to board gaming’s ability to weave storytelling and tactical play into an experience that calls players back to its charming wilderness time and again.

Dominion Board Game


Best Deck-Building Game

The Kingdom of Infinite Possibilities

$39 $50 Save $11

Dominion sets players on a quest to build the most impressive kingdom through strategic deck-building, where every card is an opportunity for greatness.


  • Pioneered the deck-building genre, offering a unique card selection and strategy each game.
  • Rapid gameplay that combines strategy and adaptability in a compact timeframe.
  • Extensive replayability with numerous card combinations and strategic pathways.

  • Dominant strategies like ‘Big Money’ can overshadow the game’s variety.

When Dominion first graced the table, it was a revelation, a card game that blended Magic: the Gathering’s deck customization with the thrill of building your empire from scratch each game. With its simple yet profound mechanics, Dominion invites players into a world where each card is a building block of an evolving kingdom. The game’s beauty lies in its cyclical progression — each shuffle of the deck weaves new strategies and unexpected turns.

Yet, Dominion’s dance with innovation is a double-edged sword. The ‘Big Money’ strategy looms over the game, challenging players to either conform or creatively counter. Despite this, the game’s allure remains. Its true legacy is the path it paved for other games, which stand on its shoulders, reaching for new heights of deck-building innovation.

Dominion remains a classic, a familiar friend whose company is always a comfort, even if the spark of newness has dimmed. It stands as a testament to the enduring joy of building something from nothing, round after round, game after game.

Twilight Imperium Fourth Edition

Twilight Imperium: Fourth Edition

Premium Pick

Galactic Conquests of Epic Proportions

Twilight Imperium: Fourth Edition is a grand strategic adventure where players vie for cosmic dominance through warfare, diplomacy, and technological progression.


  • Combines deep strategic gameplay with a rich science fiction narrative.
  • Engages players in meaningful political intrigue and grand-scale battles.
  • Offers boundless replayability with diverse factions and randomizable game setups.

  • The lengthy playtime may be prohibitive for some gaming groups.

In the vast tableau of space-themed board games, Twilight Imperium: Fourth Edition reigns as a colossus, inviting the brave to partake in a day-long odyssey across the stars. Each session unfurls epic narratives, where political machinations, trade agreements, and the drums of war resonate through the galaxy. This game’s brilliance shines in the negotiation, silent threats, sudden alliances, and thrill of a well-negotiated peace. It’s a universe where a well-timed deal can turn the tide of war, and the quietest player can emerge as a dark horse victor.

The length, while a commitment, never feels burdensome. Time warps as hours dissolve into moments of triumph, defeat, and unforgettable stories. However, this galactic journey isn’t for the faint of heart. The sheer expanse of Twilight Imperium demands dedication, a commitment to the grand strategy, and a group of like-minded explorers ready to lose themselves in the depths of space. For those ready to embark on this journey, the depths of space await, filled with wonder, strategy, and the promise of adventure.


Can these games be played solo like Terraforming Mars?

Absolutely! Many games in the space strategy genre offer robust solo modes that pit you against the game’s mechanics. This way, you can sharpen your skills in the silence of space, plotting your next cosmic venture without the need for a crew—though the challenge can be just as demanding as a table full of adversaries.

Are these games suitable for family play?

While these games can be complex and geared towards seasoned gamers, several are accessible enough for younger space cadets and casual players. With a range of difficulties and themes, there’s a galaxy of options out there. Some games offer simpler rules or quicker playtimes, making them perfect for family game nights where the stars are the limit.

What makes a game similar to Terraforming Mars?

Games akin to Terraforming Mars typically involve strategic planning, resource management, and a degree of economic simulation, often set against a backdrop of exploration or colonization.


Best Engine Building Board Games

These engine building board games will have you revving.

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