Best creepy heroes in games

Not all heroes are valiant, attractive or problem-free, some are flawed, inconsistent and downright disturbing. Categorizing heroes as creepy and good presents some problems because, by their very nature, they are contradictory and subvert expectations. Some games position the player as a wonderful heroic weirdo, others see them as an ancillary character who challenges initial assumptions. Their overall weirdness or creepiness might be off-putting, but they're the characters who come into play when the player is at their most desperate.


6 Video Game NPCs That Stole the Show

Through some truly exciting games, players have found the best NPCs who have stolen the show from their adventures.

Some of these creepy good heroes may not even seem that creepy at first, but as the player discovers more about them, creepy and disturbing details emerge. Often they have gone from bad to good or are resisting some intense internal evil. And some just give players chills. Here is a ranking of the best creepy and good heroes in video games.


The merchant from Resident Evil 4

“What are you buying?”


Resident Evil 4 (2023)

Critics recommend:

While it may seem like a stretch to call the Merchant a hero, there are multiple contextual definitions of the word hero. According to Merriam-Webster, a hero can be defined as “a mythological or legendary figure often of divine descent with great strength or skill.” The Merchant certainly fits this definition.

The Merchant appears in the strangest and most dangerous places among the plagas-infested ruins Resident Evil 4. Who is he? How did he get here? Are Leon and Ada his only customers? And what the hell is going on under that hood? It often appears when the player is in desperate need of supplies. But is it heroic if it comes at a price?


The Bloodborne Hunter

May they find their worth in the waking world



March 24, 2015

OpenCritic rating


The hunter often drenched in blood Blood It's downright disturbing. Would anyone who isn't creepy go around collecting and consuming umbilical cords? Would they conduct rituals with blood and grave mold? The means by which they support themselves are shocking at best. The blood feeding treatments that occur in Yharnam and the collection of blood echoes are pretty grim regardless of the reason.

The Hunter's hero status is what is in question. They are certainly the protagonists, but they are probably more horrible than the creatures they kill. The player's actions and choices have more say in the Hunter character's good intentions than the embedded narrative. Choosing to help the innocent and make sacrifices for the common good is certainly heroic. Killing a benign NPC and taking their possessions is less heroic.


GLaDOS in Portal 2

“How are you? Because I'm a potato”


Portal 2

As much as players may love GLaDOS, there's no denying that she's creepy. There's nothing creepier than being a lab rat to a murderous artificial consciousness that can descend from the ceiling in a tangle of wires. At the end of Portalthe player character is able to “kill” GLaDOS, and is still very angry about it when she is brought back here Portal 2.

GLaDOS has a redemption arc and becomes a hero Portal 2helping the player character defeat the game's main antagonist. He rescues Chell on multiple occasions and guides her through the labyrinthine labyrinth of Aperture Science. Caroline, the woman whose essence was embedded in GLaDOS's artificial intelligence, is capable of reasoning and has a level of compassion for others (which GLaDOS presumably eliminates at the end of the game).


8 Best PlayStation Antihero Characters, Ranked

PlayStation has produced some of the best video game characters in recent years, and their flawed morality makes them compelling antiheroes.


Elden Ring – Iron Fist Alexander

Better than his guts


Elden Ring


February 25, 2022

OpenCritic rating


This delightfully rotund adventurer is one of the shining lights of Elden Ring. He can be summoned to aid in Starscourge Radahn and Fire Giant fights and is a wonderfully wholesome character in a world that can be extremely brutal. He left his home to become a champion, seeking to learn to be a warrior and fight like a gentleman.

But Alexander attempts to improve himself in one of the most disturbing ways on this list. Compacts the corpse parts of brave warriors in his jar. Thus, making him a walking jar of rotting flesh. It's a bittersweet moment when he challenges the player character to a fight to the death.


Nick Valentine from Fallout 4

He was going with a girl from Malden


Fallout 4


November 10, 2015

OpenCritic rating


Nick is an invaluable companion and ally to the player character known as the Sole Survivor in Fallout 4. He is kind, courageous and resilient. Nick Valentine is a prototype Synth created by the institute and has the personality and memories of a “pre-war cop” imprinted on him. His body is in an extreme state of disrepair and his eyes are disturbingly bright and glowing.

There is a lot of prejudice against synths in the Fallout universe, and Nick has to manage that prejudice with the complication of having a human consciousness. Significantly, in a moment of amnesia, he calls his brother, and the only other synth of his species, “a plastic-skinned monster”, reflecting how humans in general view him.


Rose from the Resident Evil village

Run Rabbit Run!


Village of resident evil


May 7, 2021

OpenCritic rating


Rose seems like an angry teenager with a complicated past. That relatively normal appearance belies Rose's strangeness as a character and the disturbing truth of who she truly is. Like his mother and father, his body is riddled with the mold (mutamycete) that caused the events of Resident Evil 7 AND Village of resident evil. This makes her incredibly powerful but links her to all sorts of dark monsters and bloody spectacles.

As a child, she is split into pieces and distributed around the village, and as a teenager, she encounters what appear to be clones of herself created from the mold. Rose's Shadow DLC she emphasizes the effects of the mutamycete on her body and how it has affected her as a person. The DLC also shows the implications of the mold's collective consciousness and how it connects all those exposed to it.


Krieg from Borderlands 2

He has the brightest meat bike


Borderlands 2




September 18, 2012

OpenCritic rating


The psychopaths inside Borderlands they are disturbing through no fault of their own. They are victims of horrific experimentation at the hands of Hyperion scientist Dr. Benedict. Psychopaths are an iconic part of the Borderlands series and can make a player's life extremely difficult. For everything Borderlands 2, these crazed, berserker-like bandits violently launch themselves at the vault hunters, making Krieg's strange brand of wholesomeness seem even more out of place in the hostile wastelands of Pandora.

Krieg was a victim of the same experiments, but things didn't quite go according to plan. Instead of succumbing to the gas and Dr. Benedict's disturbing experiments, Krieg's personality splits in two; the psychopath Krieg and the Krieg, who maintains his sanity and is capable of rational thought. The rational Krieg is able to negotiate a moral code with his psychopathic self and becomes a valuable ally to the Core Vault's group of hunters. Unfortunately, Psycho Krieg is in charge of the speech, which leads to quotes like “I powdered my cockatiel for rib cage massacre!”. Krieg was made available as a playable character in Psycho Pack DLC.


10 gaming heroes who are a little creepy

Not all the protagonists of the games are virtuous in every way: they veer towards disturbing behavior.

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