Best Blasphemian weapons 2


  • Blasfemo 2 introduces three new powerful weapons that can be changed during the battle and used to solve the puzzles.

  • Ruego alba, a blade with one hand, is the most balanced weapon with a decent speed and combined damage, as well as life skills.

  • The Sarmiento and Centella offer critical cuts and shots with a sword and a dagger, but the players must be careful to avoid the nestal retaliation.

Blasphemous 2 He sees the penitent again to take the miracle. With the missing mea culpa, the penitent one needs a weapon to brandish against those who stand. Fortunately, the game offers three new ones that have enormous power and can be changed at any time during the battle, as well as being used to solve different puzzles.


Blasphemous 2: which initial weapon should you choose?

There are three weapons to choose from at the beginning of Blasphemous 2, and here's what the players must know about each.

But in terms of damage, utility and interesting factor, such as of The new penitent weapons Does it provide maximum power when it comes to all types of enemies and bosses? To brandish a sword and a dagger to a huge instrument linked to the church transformed into implementation, there are some interesting options to choose from, but some of the weapons available in Blasphemous 2 They are simply better than others, even if only three are available.

Updated on January 28, 2025 by Gerardo Molina: As happens with many games in this genre, the best weapon will vary according to the preferences and playing style of each player. Some may prefer a balanced crime strategy that combines sufficient damage by stroke to do an embankment while maintaining also a considerable speed. For those players, Ruego alba will be the best choice. On the other hand, if the players want to be able to hit their enemies as quickly as possible, even if this means doing less damage by blow, then Sarmiento and Centella are the way to go. And if the speed is not so important and the players would prefer to dissolve the bosses' health bars with some shots, then Veredicto should be their favorite weapon.


Ruego Alba

A perfectly balanced weapon

The penitent who brandishes Ruego allaba Blasphemo 2

Ruego Alba It is the version of this game of Mea Culpa from the first Blasphemous title. It is a blade with one hand that can be oscillated to the enemies with a considerable flow. The Ruego allaba inherited some skills from the mea culpa, starting from the latter's rope. The players who choose this as an initial weapon have access to a three -round combination just outside the club and a strong immersion attack called the weight of sin which becomes stronger, the higher the player in the air before performing the move.


Blasphemous 2: where to find all the weapons

There are three different weapons to be collected in blasphemous 2 and this guide will show the players the positions of each.

As for management, the Ruego alba is the most balanced among the three weapons. His strikes are decently fast and his combo increase in damage, provided that they have hit their target at each next shot. He also has a blood pact, which is activated once his counter is full. The activation of this provides players Lifeseal as long as they hit enemies with Ruego allaba and the counter is still active. Blood Pact also guarantees new skills, but players must unlock them by spending signs of martyrdom to improve his memories of weapons.

Although Ruego alba can be used to defeat each bosses of the game, sometimes other weapons are better, since, in some situations, faster attacks or more damage are needed by blow to avoid fighting excessively. This weapon is necessary to destroy the various wooden barriers scattered through custody, which unlocks new areas and allow players to face different challenges, find precious objects and discover more things of interest.


Sarmiento and Centella

Quick shots at the cost of low damage per hit

The penitent who brandishes Sarmiento and Centella Blasphemo 2

For players who want faster cuts and scarce strikes, the weapons with which they should start are the Sarmiento and Centella. This weapon has a penitent a sword and a double-wield dagger to land a series of quick shots that can affect critically. He also inherited the length attack of the Mea Culpa that allows players to close the distance and hit the enemies in advance. Having said that, the players who manage this weapon should practice discipline, since they can run the risk of obtaining many shots against enemies until they are affected by the opponent in retaliation.


Blasphemous 2: best pearls of Rosario, classified

There are 27 unique rosary pearls to be found in blasphemous 2, so let's go on what they actually worth collecting as soon as possible.

The Sarmiento and Centella are also imbued with lightning. Hitting the enemies authorizes the weapon consecutively and once reached its threshold, it gets elementary damage to lightning. His memories of weapons also help to strengthen its effectiveness, and is fatal when it is activated. However, as quickly as the players can activate it, a blow from an enemy will nod the accusations of this weapon. In crossing, this weapon is essential to cross some areas while the players explore each section of the map. During the platform puzzles most sensitive to time, players must develop the muscle memory of the transition between these and other weapons to make sure they do the job in the fastest and simplest way possible.

Sarmiento and Centella are probably the closest players who can reach weapons intended for a dexterity that is built Dark souls. However, since there is no downsizing with a dexterity in BlasphemousThere is a limit to what these weapons can do outside to be extremely fast and agile. While other weapons, such as Ruego alba, can be used without going to the defeat of the bosses, it is highly recommended to combine other weapons with Sarmiento and Centella to obtain the most efficient damage possible.



Slower shots, high damage outputs

The penitent that brandishes the Blasphemian green 2

Real It is a great censer that the penitent oscillates like a morning star. Between the three weapons, it is the slowest, but what is missing, is more than compensated in force and scope. Get the suspension of the arches of Veredicto when the oscillation requires some time to get used to it, but once the players acquire familiar with it, this weapon can wrap the enemies in rapid order and succession. Since it is a ball and a chain, it is the weapon to be penited for hitting the flying enemies.

Players can also turn Veredicto to further increase his production of damage by kneeling and spaming the attack button, but has a limited range, so the players must be next to the target planned to ensure that this attack is successful. This attack is excellent for bosses thanks to the variety of moves that derive from it. Given its slower speed, the players must be very disciplined and willing to understand that they can only get one or two shots for a window of opportunities. If they manage to do it, Veredicto is the definitive weapon of mass destruction, but if they become greedy, death awaits.


Blasphemous 2: all the empty receptacle positions (transport more bowls)

2 blasphemous players can transport more healing bowls by transforming empty sockets into a certain NPC.

Veredicto also has fire attacks. Players must update the memories of Veredicto's weapons to access them and inflicts explosive damage, which is excellent for eliminating groups of enemies. Players can also load his swing for a devastating Smash and his updated form creates a rippled effect in a line where the penitent one is facing. For some puzzles, Veredicto is essential to play the bells that create floating liquid metal platforms and open steel doors, making it an incredibly versatile weapon to have at hand.

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August 24, 2023

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