- Different armor sets in 7 Days To Die offer various bonuses and benefits for players.
- Each armor set comes with a unique set bonus designed to assist players in different situations.
- The set bonuses range from increasing specific weapon damage to reducing stamina costs and enhancing health regeneration.
7 Days To Die 1.0 introduced lots of new features to the world of 7 Days To Die. One of the new features was an overhaul regarding how armor works. There are lots of armor pieces in the game. Some of the armor pieces match up to create sets.

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There are a total of 15 different armor sets in 7 Days To Die. Each one comes with a unique set bonus that is designed to help players in various situations. This list will go over all the set bonuses, look at what they do, and rank them in order from least to most useful.
Rogue Set
Become A Wealthy Survivor
- Set Bonus: Find 5% – 30% More Cash And Dukes In Loot
Dukes are the main currency in 7 Days To Die. Players will need Dukes to purchase things from traders. Being able to find more Dukes while looting can be quite beneficial. However, not as beneficial as finding cash. Cash can be sold for Dukes. For the most part, cash is found in considerably larger quantities than Dukes.
So, players can make a pretty penny with a full set of this armor as looting ATMs will become much more lucrative. Players can expect to walk away from an ATM with up to a couple of thousand Dukes’ worth of cash. While this benefit is good, it’s nowhere near as good as most of the other armor sets in the game.
Nomad Set
Live The Nomad Lifestyle
- Set Bonus: Regenerating Health And Stamina Costs 5% – 30% Less Food And Water
The nomad armor set looks fantastic, and it really fits in well with the post-apocalyptic theme. And while the individual pieces are excellent for dealing with the undead, carrying more, running faster, and more, the overall set bonus isn’t all that beneficial. It offers the same bonus type as the athletic armor set.
However, the percentages offered by the athletic set are double that of the full nomad armor set. Because of how powerful the individual armor pieces are, it makes sense that the overall set bonus is nerfed, but because of this nerf, it doesn’t rank very highly on this list.
Ranger Set
A Rather Niche Bonus
- Set Bonus: Increases Reload Speed With Revolvers And Lever-Action Rifles By 5% – 50%
Both revolvers and lever-action rifles can be very powerful weapons. However, they are also pretty slow. Even with the boost in reload speed, it’s usually much more beneficial for players to use fast-firing weapons such as the M60 or any of the assault rifles.
Dealing with one or two zombies with a lever-action rifle is not a problem. Dealing with 10 zombies with a lever-action rifle is a whole other story. For the players out there who enjoy using revolvers and lever-action rifles, this is a great set bonus. Outside of that use-case, it’s not really that beneficial.
Athletic Set
Good For Those On The Go
- Set Bonus: Regenerating health And Stamina Costs 10% – 60% Less Food And Water
This set isn’t for everyone. While the individual pieces are good, the set bonus is rather lackluster. Food and water are pretty easy to come by, so players won’t have much need for this effect. The only exception to this is during the first few days of the game. During the first couple of days, food and water can be relatively tricky to come by. However, the chance of the player reading enough magazines and collecting the materials required to craft a full athletic set is incredibly slim, making this set bonus rather pointless.
Farmer Set
Heal More For Less
- Set Bonus: Food And Drink Heals 10% – 40% More Health
Food and drink can be pretty good at restoring health. Most cooked foods will heal a decent amount of HP. The farmer set bonus means that food heals more health than normal. This can help players to save their medications and other healing items for those times of need.

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Saving meds such as bandages and first aid kits for injuries like abrasions and bleeding can help to save the player during dangerous situations. For the most part, players should just keep a set of farmer armor at their base for harvesting crops.
Biker Set
Become A Tougher Opponent
- Set Bonuses: Increases Armor Rating By 1–6 Points. Minibikes And Motorcycles Use 2% – 20% Less Fuel
Fuel is pretty easy to come by. However, the boost to armor rating is quite nice. It’s not the best set bonus available, but for those who like to travel, it can be quite handy. As mentioned, the armor rating boost can come in very handy, especially when it comes to clearing difficult POIs.
Dealing with large groups of enemies can be tricky. More often than not, the player will get hit at least once or twice while clearing a location. So, being able to absorb more damage gives the player some extra wiggle room when it comes to getting out of dicey situations.
Enforcer Set
Makes Powerful Weapons Even More Powerful
- Set Bonuses: .44 Ammo Does 5% – 50% More Damage. The .44 Magnum And The Desert Vulture Reload 5% – 50% Faster.
The enforcer set ranks among the best-looking armor sets in the game. While the style doesn’t really help the player’s odds at survival, the enforcer set’s bonus certainly does. The .44 Magnum and the Desert Vulture are very powerful ranged weapons. Their only downside is their slow reload time. Being able to reload up to 50% faster means that players will be able to take down enemies significantly faster than normal. Also, this set increases the damage output of .44 ammo, making the aforementioned weapons even more powerful than they usually are.
Miner Set
All Players Should Have A Miner’s Set Ready For Use
- Set Bonus: Mining Tools Degrade 10% – 35% Slower
Mining is a core part of 7 Days To Die. Players will need to mine regularly in order to craft items, upgrade their base, and more. If the player decides to spend a day mining, then they’ll burn through repair kits pretty quickly.
Even while wearing a full miner set, the player will still go through a hefty amount of repair kits. However, depending on the armor tier, the player can expect to save a handful of repair kits throughout the course of the day. Not only that, but since the player’s tools will break less often, they’ll be able to mine more resources before needing to stop and fix their tools.
Lumberjack Set
Never Run Out Of Wood Again
- Set Bonuses: Increased Wood Harvest With An Axe By 100%. Swinging Axes Costs Less Stamina 5% – 30%
Unlike most of the other armor sets in the game, it doesn’t matter what tier lumberjack armor the player is wearing; they will get a 100% wood harvest bonus. This can be incredibly useful during the early stages of the game when resources are seemingly hard to come by. Also, the stamina cost reduction for swinging axes is pretty useful.
While this perk does scale with the player’s armor tier, since most players use axes to break down doors and walls, using slightly less stamina can help players clear buildings a little bit faster, as they won’t need to stop as often to catch their breath.
Commando Set
Heal Much Faster Than Normal
- Set Bonus: Recovery Items Work 25% – 50% Faster
Injuries are just a regular part of daily life in 7 Days To Die. Most players will take some form of damage each day from both enemies and the hostile environment around them. Being able to heal up faster after sustaining an injury allows players to get back into battle mode without having to worry about their health bar running too low.
This bonus is ideal for those who enjoy utilizing a more risky playstyle. Players who charge in all guns blazing will benefit greatly from the commando set’s recovery boost.
Assassin Set
Perfect For Sneak Builds
- Set Bonus: Enemies Search For You For 15% – 100% Less Time After Losing Sight Of You
Sneak builds can be incredibly overpowered in 7 Days To Die. With the right skills and weapons, players can take down most in-game enemies in just a single hit. The assassin set reduces the amount of time that enemies will search for the player after losing sight of them. With a full set of tier 6 assassin armor, the time is reduced to 0 seconds, meaning that a zombie that can’t see the player; they won’t ever look for them.

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This can be very handy when clearing out difficult locations, as it gives players the opportunity to take each zombie out from a distance without alerting all other nearby enemies of their presence.
Raider Set
Become A Harder Target To Kill
- Set Bonus: Grants 20% – 45% Resistance To Critical Injuries
Critical injuries can dramatically slow down the player. Things such as lacerations, broken limbs, and concussions have all sorts of negative effects on the player that can and will impact how they move around, attack enemies, and even see the world. Having a smaller chance of receiving a critical injury is a great bonus to have when clearing out difficult POIs. All it takes is for one zombie to critically injure the player, and then things can go south pretty quickly.
Nerd Set
Save Time And Repair Kits
- Set Bonus: All Tools And Weapons Degrade 10% – 35% Slower
Weapon and tool degradation can be annoying to deal with. While repairing an item isn’t particularly costly, it does take a few seconds to fix a broken tool or weapon. Should the player’s main weapon break during a Blood Moon, they might find themselves getting overrun by the undead. A few seconds to repair an item doesn’t sound like a lot. But when the player is trying to fend off endless hordes of enemies, a few seconds can mean the difference between surviving and becoming a meal for some hungry zombies.
Scavenger Set
Find Better Loot
- Set Bonus: Increases Loot Quality By 2% – 20%.
Loot bonuses aren’t all that useful during the early stages of the game. However, in the mid to late stages, a loot bonus makes a huge difference to the types of items that the player finds. The higher the player’s level, the higher their loot stage. Loot stage and loot quality are linked. So, if the player already has a high loot stage, then a boost to their loot quality can be incredibly lucrative.
Players using a tier 6 scavenger set can expect to find all sorts of top-tier items, including Legendary Parts, high-end weapons, and more. This is not only great for building up a stockpile of items at the player’s base, but it’s also good for those looking to make a few extra Dukes.
Preacher Set
Become Immune To Infections
- Set Bonuses: Reduces Chance Of Critical Injuries By 5% – 40%. Reduces The Chance Of Infection By 5% – 100%.
The preacher set offers an incredibly powerful set bonus. Similar to the raider set bonus, the preacher set reduces the chance of critical injuries. However, it also gives players a reduced chance of becoming infected. With a full set of tier 6 preacher armor, the player becomes completely immune to infections.
While infections aren’t that difficult to deal with, the combination of the critical injury bonus alongside a possible immunity to infections means that players will save lots of time and resources as they won’t need to be taking medications and healing items all that often.