Because the “fighter” trope is one of the best in anime

Key points

  • Characters who embody the fighter cliché prioritize fighting, seeking out stronger opponents, and engaging in exciting battles.
  • Fighters add levity and a cool factor to anime series, often becoming fan favorites due to their badass nature.
  • The fighter cliché inspires viewers with themes such as perseverance, determination and courage to protect others.

The anime industry has many clichés and archetypes that permeate many different series, especially when it comes to the Shonen subgenre. An example of this can be seen with the main characters of this type of series, as they are typically immature but incredibly strong characters who are gifted with immense power which they use to protect their loved ones or free people from oppressive conditions. These characters are depicted as silly and aloof with a ravenous hunger for everything they see.

With this in mind, most Shonen anime have another commonly used trope that is often realized in a secondary character; the fighter. Those who embody this idea are characters who are fighters through and through, prioritizing the need and love of battle over everything else. While this may initially seem superficial to many, let's take a look at why this is actually one of the best tropes in all of anime.


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What is the fighter trope?

A combat-focused role

The distinctive characteristics of the characters belonging to this typology are the love of battle, the desire to become stronger by breaking through one's limits, and the search for even stronger opponents to fight against to achieve these objectives. On the surface, it can be misunderstood as a one-note cliché that only serves to allow the series to have plenty of interesting fight scenes.

However, it is often one of the best tropes of any series because it adds a lot of levity and “cool factor” to the franchise, keeping the promise of the characters being strong. Additionally, just because a character is classified as a “fighter” doesn't necessarily mean they are confined to that realm, since they can embody various tropes. For example, the simplest example to turn to is Goku Dragon Ballwho lives to become stronger and overcome his limits by fighting stronger enemies, embodying the archetypes of the fighter and the main character.


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Because this character trope is so compelling

Because people tend to love fighters

Whenever there is an anime series that has a character that fits the fighter cliché, it's actually quite common for him to be considered a fan favorite. The reason for this may be rather primal, since most people simply love to see a good fight, so characters who embrace this nature completely abandon themselves to the thrill of battle. In this way they satisfy this need that many have, offering a spectacular performance showing what they can do in an area of ​​their expertise.

The main word to describe the fighters is tough, as their constant quest to perfect their martial prowess often places them far above most of their contemporaries. They are always reliable and will always have the back of those who are on their side. Fighters, however, don't just have to be heroes. In the Furious series, this trope is embodied by the infamous Nosferatu Zodd; a hulking brute who has slaughtered thousands in the hopes of finding his rival, only so he can fight a battle where, for once, he can give it his all against an equal.

Having overwhelming power is… boring as hell.

Although he is a terrifying monster, Zodd is one of the most beloved characters in the series. The main reason for this is the fact that, despite everything else, Zodd has an underlying code of honor, which is a trait that fighters tend to share. Their true love is fighting, so anything that stops them from making the most of their abilities is completely rejected, fostering a great feeling of respect towards them from fans.

As previously stated, fighters are often much more layered than people realize and may even embody another character trait. For example, Zoro da One piece he is driven to become stronger by his dream of becoming the greatest swordsman on the planet, which he can only achieve by defeating the person who currently holds the title; Mihawk. However, this dream is much more complex, as it is based on a promise made to his childhood best friend, as well as another personal desire to be worthy of being on his captain's side.

Sometimes, especially with this trope, what you see is what you get. A great example of this is the legendary Kenpachi of Bleachwhich is one of the purest representations of the fighter trope, as the thrill of battle is the only thing he lives for and strives to feel at all times. Because of this, he has fought against many powerful warriors, and his pleasure in facing his equals never dissipates, even as he comes to understand the importance of increasing his strength to protect those he cares about.

All in all, the fighter trope is one of the greatest character tropes in the entire anime industry, encompassing some of the most iconic and powerful characters in the medium. Whether they directly embody the trope by purely loving the thrill of battle or wish to become stronger to protect the innocent and those they care about, fighters are often some of the greatest characters in whatever series they come from.

Death and pain are but a small price to pay for the pleasure of battle!

Their love for fighting and getting stronger is also very important for thematic purposes as they can inspire viewers. While strength and power are abstract concepts that mean something very different in the real world than in anime, fighters also impart the value of perseverance, determination, courage, and the need to protect those who cannot protect themselves, easily making this trope one . the best of fiction.


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