All meta-progression paths in Hyper Light Breaker

Hyper Lightbreaker it starts out a little slow, but once players get a few upgrades going, they'll be able to fly through those loops with far fewer issues. Meta-progression is a common feature in many games in the roguelike genre, and this one is no exception.

Meta-progression commonly refers to upgrades or improvements that players can make outside of normal gameplay loops, and in many roguelike games, these are usually small but significant improvements. Here are the progression paths players can look forward to Hyper Lightbreaker.


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Progression in Hyper Light Breaker

Updating a SyCom in Hyper Light Breaker

There are several ways players can progress Hyper Lightbreakerand most of these come from NPCs and interactions players make at the base. However, it will take some time for players to reach a point where they can be truly overwhelmed, so patience will be important here. The main way to advance your meta-progression is to update the following:

  • Suppliers and supplier affinity

  • SyComs

  • Former

  • Time


The merchants inside the Cursed Outpost Hyper Lightbreaker sell items that players can use during their Overgrowth expeditions. By default, only the Blades vendor will be available, but once players start collecting resources, they will be able to unlock the Rail and Holobytes vendors as well.

Players can also improve their relationships with vendors by offering them gold rations. Improving your affinity with a vendor will unlock new features and bonuses for their shops, including the ability to upgrade equipment.


SyComs are the robotic drones that follow each character Hyper Lightbreaker. These guys determine your Breaker's base stats and main passive ability: for example, Vermillion starts with the Gunslinger SyCom, which gives him stronger ranged weapon damage and a unique passive that allows him to land hits consecutive critics.

You can improve the stats of your SyComs by spending the materials you collect in Overgrowth. Additionally, you can unlock additional SyComs that provide a different distribution of core base and passive stats.


These are permanent upgrades that affect certain parts of your Demoman's kit, such as medkit capacity, hoverboard and glider energy, and more. You can upgrade your Exes by talking to Pherus Bit, the NPC right in front of the starting point in the outpost.

The exe bonuses may seem small, but they become more noticeable and impactful later on. However, you can only equip a limited number of these bonuses, as determined by your free Exe Slots.


The Vault is basically the player's stash, and while this in itself doesn't contribute much to your progression, keep in mind that you can store gear purchased or found on a run for later use. Since weapons and Holobytes can break, extra equipment must be added Hyper Lightbreaker it will be a good idea most of the time.

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