All free ignition positions in the tomb in Black Ops 6 Zombies

Oops Nero 6 Zombies promises to be one of the best interpretations of mode, immersing players in various maps, each with its unique creative talent. From Terminus to Citadelle des Morts, there is a lot of content to immerse yourself. However, season 2 introduces an additional map: the tomb, a highly anticipated map that has some vibrations of serious origins.

As for the previous zombie maps, the tomb offers a selection of free power supplies that can act as a life -saving in sticky situations. There are eight total enhancements available in the tomb, although some of their locations are cleverly hidden. Here is a guide to Find any enhancement in the tomb in Oops Nero 6 Zombies.


Black Ops 6 Zombies: Exploit of damage from ice personnel, explained

Ice's staff is incredibly powerful in the tomb, but players can increase its power ten times when they know exactly what to use Scorestreak.


The first Power-Up players can discover is the Nuke Power-upeven if it could be the most demanding to find. To identify it, Directs to the Neolithic catacombs and look through the Hole in the wall near the Spawn mystery box. Here, players can identify the nuclear seated on a distant ledge.

It can be quite difficult to see if players are using a weapon with a simple red viewfinder. However, it can be much easier to identify with a sniper rifle. Take it generate nuclear power in the player's position. Once collected, he will immediately eliminate all the zombies in the area.

Full power

A Full power-up can be Found in the sanctuary of the Gerofanti. The players who head in this position will find him Within one of the Zombi spawn areasonly to The right of the Stamin-Up perk-up machine. Take it will cause the transition to full power towards the player, allowing them to collect it and instantly obtain access to the maximum of the field update.

Maximum ammunition

The next power-up that players can find is the Ignition of maximum ammunition. To identify it, Directs to the underground templeThe same area required to access pack-a-play. The players should stay near the door of the sanctuary of the Gerofanti And look. There, they will see the strengthening of maximum ammunition sitting in a hole in the wall. Taking it will bring the strengthening to the player, completely restoring their ammunition reserves at the time of collection.


Insta-Kill It can be found enough close to the strengthening of maximum ammunition. If players stay next to the armoria car inside the deep excavationthey can find the enhancement of Insta-Kill On a protrusion on the north side -est of the position. Taking up Insta-Kill will emerge near the player, allowing all the zombies to be killed with a single bullet or a melee for a short duration.


Black Ops 6 Zombies: how to complete the main Easter egg in the tomb

Here is a detailed procedure of Oops 6 by Black Ops 6 The Tomb Zombies Easter Egg of those who want to help to complete it alone.

Maximum armor

Maximum armor It is still another enhancement of the tomb, located relatively close to the munition power-ups Max and Nuke. The maximum armor can be Found on a protrusion inside the ossuaryJust adjacent to the car for Perk Cola Speed. Taking out that it will generate the strengthening in the player's position, filling the reserves of armor at the time of collection.

If the players find themselves low in armor, collecting it can be an excellent pick-me-up, providing further armor plates without the need to spend the rescue on the bench.

Double points

THE Double ignition point It is located inside the dark ethereal link. Players can find it by entering the door of the underground temple e Looking at the rock wall in the south -west of the Nexus. Take it generating the strengthening of the double points in the player's position, allowing them to earn twice the amount of essence for a short duration.

To earn 2,000 points for free, players can launch a C4 on the strengthening of the double points and then complete the generator Easter egg on the excavation site. Once the Easter egg is completed, explode the C4, collect the ignition of the double points and therefore receive twice the essence fallen from the completion of the Easter egg.

Bonus points

THE Power-up bonus points It can also be found inside the dark ethereal link this time Inside a small hole in the rock wall along the way conducting from the gateway to the site dig. Taking it will bring the strengthening of the player's position, granting 500 essences at the time of collection. However, since this enhancement is located near the double point power-up, players can easily double their essence earned at 1,000 by collecting both.

Sale of fire

The final strengthening that players can find is Sale of firelocated Along the south -western wall of the excavation site. However, unlike the other power supplies, the ignition of the sale of fire will do so Spawn only after the players found and collected all the others. Once this requirement is satisfied, players can shoot the sale of fire to bring it to their position.

Once collected, a mysterious box will generate in every possible position of the mysterious box. In addition, the players will also be able to turn the box for only 10 essences instead of 950 Essence. Of course, this advantage lasts only for a limited time, but serves as a great way for players who try to increase their possibilities to get high -ray weapons such as the Ray pistol without spending too much about their points earned hard.

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25 October 2024

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