Pokemon Tcg PocketThe last set, Space-Time Smackdown, is a great leap for the game of mobile card as it adds a wide variety of new creatures and mechanics of the cards. With the set that focuses mainly on the creatures Gen 4, Pokemon Tcg Pocket He has now compiled his list of under -representative metal and dark cards due to the genetic height set mainly on Mons Gen 1 which could be important destination threats.
With the dark types and steel that do not debut in the main line Pokemon Games up to Gen 2, the first Pokemon Tcg Pocket Set with mainly Gen 1 meant that he was limited in his options for the darkness and types of metal. TCG Pocket It includes types of poison in the type of darkness category, so Mons such as Golbat, Muk and Arbok were the main representatives of darkness in genetic apex, without ex cards available for the type of darkness through the genetic peak or mythical island. However, now that an entire harvest of Gen 4 Ms is available TCG PocketThe game finally offers the type of darkness the tools it needs to be among the best types of deck in the destination.

Pokemon Tcg Tcg Pocket's SmackDown update is not actually the end of an era
The release of Pokemon Tcg Pocket on the expansion of the Space-Time Smackdown might seem to be the end of an era for the game, but the players should not worry.
The Pokemon TCG TCG Space Smackdown set offers the type of darkness an important update
The type of darkness finally has the basis for a powerful TCG Pocket Deck
For most decks in Pokemon Tcg PocketA strong ex card is mandatory to thrive in the current destination. With the types of darkness that have no ex cards before the release of Space-time Smackdown, it was difficult to form a good deck for the type of darkness. However, this has changed drastically with the introduction of a solid handful of new dark-time cards to which two ex-things should allow the type of compete with the domain of mental decks with artists of the caliber of Mewtwo ex and Mew ex.
All Darkness-Type Cards added in Space-time SmackDown
Weavile ex
Darkrai ex
Some of the hard cards added in the set of space-time Smackdown include Croagunk and Tossicroak, which offer players a great way to inflict damage and reward them for having stacked their bench with additional Msgr. Both cards have the group's movedown move that has the player turns upside down a coin for every card he has at stake, inflicting 20 or 40 damage respectively between Croagunk and Toxicroak, for each witness. While the coin moves Pokemon Tcg Pocket Sometimes they can feel unjust, the lucky enough players to hit multiple heads can inflict serious damage with these attacks.
Darki ex and Weavile ex were very necessary to add to the destination of TCG Pocket
The two new ex-dark cards added in space-time Spackdown are easily some of the best additions of this last set. The only attack of Weavile ex is scratching the nails, which costs only a dark energy and inflicts a basic damage 30 to the opponent's pokemon. However, what makes it so powerful is the fact that it inflicts further 40 damage if the opponent Mon already has damage on it, which means that the players could potentially turn it on and inflict 70 damage from the club for a cost of a single energy darkness .
Darkrai ex is the clear top dog of Pokemon Tcg PocketThe new dark -type cards such as basic pokemon with an incredible ability. His only attack is the dark prism, which inflicts 80 damage to the cost of two dark energy and a colorless energy. While this attack is not the strongest alone, the ability of Darkrai ex, Nightmare Aura, inflicts 20 damage to the opponent's active pokemon every time, even if Darki ex is afflicted by a state condition.

- Released
30 October 2024
- Developer (s)
Dena, Creatures Inc.