10 Best Indie Games On PS4


  • PS4 leveraged indies to fill gaps and provide a great gaming experiences.
  • Flower was an important stepping stone for indie games, showing their artistic heft while providing a serene experience.
  • Rocket League, initially exclusive to PS4, is an approachable and fun indie game with a large skill ceiling.



While indie games had been gradually making their presence known all throughout the seventh generation of consoles, they were largely viewed as more of a curiosity. For every Braid or Super Meat Boy, there were literally hundreds of games that went completely ignored. But with the release of the PS4, all that changed.


The Best Indie Games Of All Time

There have been some truly exceptional indie games released over the years. But these titles stand out as the best the genre has to offer.

Right out of the game, Sony’s eighth generation titan leveraged indies to fill the gaps. Nearly every console launches with a pretty shaky first year of games. But while many of the big Triple-A PS4 titles that released in the first year would end up falling short, the indies kept that system primed with great experiences. And they never stopped coming.

While we wish we could stick to the most rigid definition of what an Indie game is, doing so would remove some of the most noteworthy PS4 “indie” exclusives from our list, as Sony ended up funding a number of these titles. So, while all entries were independently developed, there will be some fudging when it comes to who footed the bill.

Additionally, while we wanted to aim for indies that are exclusive to the PS4, we didn’t want this list to only contain games made by the same two developers. So, we’ve included the exclusivity status for each title.

10 Flower

A flower in a field



PS4 Exclusivity Status

Sony Exclusive

Also available on PS3 and Vita

Flower is a free-flowing, expressive experience. It doesn’t feel like a “game” necessarily, which is one of its strengths. To this day, you can hand anyone the controller and have them experience the novelty that is Flower. ThatGameCompany would go on to make bigger, more impressive titles that would contain a great deal of the wonderment of Flower, while also providing a little more structure.

Flower was an important stepping stone for the indie scene, showing how these titles can have artistic heft, and it was one of the marquee indie games of Sony’s PS3 and PS4 consoles. You don’t hear many people talk about Flower these days, but we’d like to think that it exists as more than just an interesting footnote in the indie landscape. To this day, it is still a serene and beautiful experience.

9 SuperHyperCube




PS4 Exclusivity Status

Timed Exclusive

Also available on PC

Put the shape into the hole. That’s the whole game when it comes to SuperHyperCube. As you successfully put the shape into the hole, more cubes will be randomly affixed to your shape, typically changing its silhouette. You’ll then need to twist and turn your new shape until it fits into the next hole. Continue doing this until you fail.

The game does allow for some creativity, as it will reward you for fitting your shape through a space in an unconventional manner. Similarly, rotating the shape to fit at the last second would yield bonus points!

This is a PSVR title, and while it may seem like it is too simple to be worth mentioning here, we feel like SuperHyperCube is VR gaming’s version of Teris. Extremely simple, yet perfectly executed. Unfortunately, it was never updated for PSVR2, so you can only play it using the well-aged original PSVR or by playing it using a PCVR set. However, though it may not have ever made much of a splash, we wanted to give it a little praise here. SuperHyperCube is fantastic!

8 Rollerdrome

Rollerdrome, Beginner Tips, Featured Image



PS4 Exclusivity Status

No exclusivity whatsoever

When it comes to the world of extreme sports games, Roll7 has been doing god’s work. Ever since they released the fantastic OlliOlli title, they have, essentially, been the only game in town when it comes to the genre. But as good as the OlliOlli games are, and they are VERY good, their 2D engine prevents them from being able to scratch that THPS itch.


10 Games That Blend Unexpected Genres

From shop management sims to rhythm-based delights, these titles manage to blend genres you’d never expect to work.

Well, that all changed with Rollerdrome. This is Tony Hawk Pro Skater by way of The Running Man. The trick system will feel familiar to all the THPS fans, as will the stages, but tricks aren’t the only way to increase your combo multiplier: kills will as well. It all ends up working extremely well. Activision has consistently been a letdown, but Roll7 is forever our savior.

We considered choosing the excellent OlliOlli for this list instead, as it did spend a period of time as a Sony exclusive, but Rollerdrome is too damn good for it to not be given its roses.

7 Night In The Woods

Night in the Woods - Mae And Gregg Riding A Bike During A Sunset


Infinite Fall, Secret Lab

PS4 Exclusivity Status

No exclusivity whatsoever

While Night In The Woods is by no means exclusive to the PS4, it is a heartwarming, complex look into the ennui of early adulthood. It is a story that grapples with the reality of working-class families living on the margins, but young adults struggling with the strong sense that they have failed. It’s engaging stuff!

And while, in a lot of ways, Night in the Woods is a visual novel, it wraps itself in enough classic gameplay elements to feel suitably gamey. You traverse the world like a platformer, there are rhythm sections, and hey, there is a whole Zelda-clone contained within as well. A Night in the Woods is a singular experience and one that will likely strongly resonate with any person who remembers what it felt like to be a young adult.

6 Resogun

Chaos unfolding as Resogun spaceship flies and shoots



PS4 Exclusivity Status

Sony Exclusive

Also available on PS3 and Vita

When you think of the behemoth that is the PlayStation 4, you probably think of a number of games. Bloodborne, God of War, The Last of Us Part 2… But it wasn’t those games that propped the PS4 up in those early days. That distinction belonged to a plucky side-scrolling, indie shooter named Resogun.

This Housemarque title featured arcadey gameplay that felt like a call back to all the great looping side-scroller shooters ranging from Defender (that Resogun feels like a spiritual successor to) to the likes of Mr. Heli (and absolute banger, don’t at us). What really helped Resogun pop is its unique aesthetic, which recreates a pixel-like look using voxels, while leveraging modern lighting game particle effects. To this day, Resogun is smooth as silk and deserves your attention!

5 Rocket League

Chaotic game of Rocket League with five cars, the ball and an explosion in Rocket League



PS4 Exclusivity Status

Timed Exclusive

Now available on all consoles

This is a funny one, as you wouldn’t necessarily even think of Rocket League as being an indie game, as it has become a force to be reckoned with in the live-gaming world. But Rocket League was made by around a dozen people or so. While it has gone on to be available everywhere, at launch, Rocket League was exclusively available on the PS4.

But what is Rocket League? Well, it is a loosey-goosey version of soccer played using cars. While that sounds like more of a novelty than something that could sustain long-term interest, the truth is that Rocket League manages to be extremely approachable, while also having a relatively large skill ceiling. So many indies are evocative and emotionally resonant, so it is great to have those weightier titles balanced out by something more twitchy, arcadey, and fun. Rocket League is an all-timer!

The Usual Suspects

We’ve carved out a section here for all the obvious indie bangers you can play on the PS4. You know ’em. You love ’em. They deserve some praise too.

4 Furi

The Prisoner from Furi swings his sword


The Game Bakers

PS4 Exclusivity Status

Timed Console Exclusive with PC release

Furi is now available on every modern console

Originally an exclusive PS4 title, Furi is a bullet hell, boss rush defined by its gorgeous aesthetic, cinematic interludes, and driving, synth-based soundtrack. And the gameplay? Well, it is refined, tight, and utterly exacting. The entire game may only consist of boss fights, but they are some of the best boss fights seen in gaming.

Furi is, to this day, an excellent title that will push you to your limit. Each boss fight has a number of phases, and each phase will add a novel wrinkle to the encounter. Better yet, Furi has since been updated with the Onnamusha content, which provides the player with another wholly unique character to play through the game with.

3 Nex Machina

Nex Machina - player fighting robots



PS4 Exclusivity Status

Console Exclusive with PC release

We don’t want to just flood this list with Housemarque games, but come ON, how could we not include this classic? Nex Machina takes a lot of the elements that made Resogun such a hit and reincorporates them into a Smash TV-esque twin-stick shooter.


All Housemarque Games On The PlayStation, Ranked

Before being acquired by PlayStation, Housemarque already had a fantastic selection of games published. Let’s explore the best ones.

In an era where arcadey games are dying out, and where everything needs to have a grand narrative driven by a cast of top-tier actors helping to tell a complex story with twists and turns, Nex Machina is a golden example of how great those arcade classics that ate all our quarters in the early-to-mid 90s were. We are happy that Returnal was able to repackage what made so many of their games great in a triple-a title, and we think that one is a classic, but Nex Machina feels like an invaluable relic from a forgotten time.

2 Sayonara Wild Hearts

Someone rides a motorcycle down a road at night



PS4 Exclusivity Status

No exclusivity whatsoever

Simogo’s Sayonara Wild Hearts is, on the face of it, a bit of a retro revival title. If you fused Outrun and Tempest 2000 together, and added a pinch of a rhythm game to the mix, you’d get something that plays like Sayonara Wild Hearts. Its gameplay has that simple, yet engaging type of sensibility that you would expect from an arcadey classic. However, its presentation ratchets everything up considerably.

Sayonara Wild Hearts’ neon cell-shaded aesthetic is striking, and the OST is a dream pop extravaganza. To top it all off, the game also weaves in a narrative that, at first, feels perfunctory, but manages to hit hard when the game comes to a close. Wild hearts never die, nor will our love for this game.

1 JourneyLandscape in Journey



PS4 Exclusivity Status

Console Exclusive with PC release

Also available on PS3

ThatGameCompany returns with another smash hit in the form of Journey. This is a narrative adventure that doesn’t feature a single line of dialogue. It has a novel approach to multiplayer, and acts as a clever demonstration of the Hero’s Journey.

But all that may be well and good, what Journey is most known for is being an emotionally resonant adventure that features a gorgeous aesthetic and an iconic soundtrack. At its core, Journey is extremely simple, but it does everything in its power to leverage every element of its design and in the end it provides an unforgettable experience.


13 Best Indie Games Of 2023

2023 was an excellent year for indie games.

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